The MossiMovies Wiki

Dougs in his iconic spot

Dougs The Cat is an honorary member of MossiMovies that has starred in his own series which successfully spanned 6 episodes and other releases. He became known in 2008 after his owner, LilBadger, used recorded footage of him during the contruction of MossiMovies Official Trailer. Since then, he has gone on to become a big part of MossiMovies and is part of their diverse range of movies. As of 2011, he has not been seen since 2009's Hunted Trailer.


  1. MossiMovies Official Trailer.
  2. The Adventures of Dougs - Episode 1: Tastes Like Chicken.
  3. The Adventures of Dougs - Episode 2: The Accident.
  4. The Adventures of Dougs - Episode 3: What's That Noise?
  5. The Adventures of Dougs - Episode 4: Checkmate.
  6. The Adventures of Dougs - Episode 5: Mission-Unpossible.
  7. The Adventures of Dougs - Episode 6: Nap Time.
  8. Hunted Trailer.

The Adventures Of Dougs[]

Hunted Trailer[]
